The Consumer Ombudsman´s guidelines
The Consumer Ombudsman’s guidelines contain information and practical advice regarding the application of the provisions. The guidelines take account of the special characteristics and problems related to the subject matter or sector concerned.
The Consumer Ombudsman’s guidelines include:
- sector- or subject matter-specific reminders of rules, drawn up from the perspective of the sector or subject matter concerned
- statements concerning the future application of new provisions
- joint statements by the Nordic Consumer Ombudsmen when a market phenomenon of significant importance to consumers occurs in all Nordic Countries, making it necessary for them to confirm shared rules for the said matter
- guidelines based on collaboration and negotiations with trade and industry associations or other partners.
Regardless of the context in which the guidelines were issued, they constitute the supervisory authority’s statement regarding the application of provisions. The guidelines are based on provisions and case law and various supervisory authorities. The guidelines do not impose requirements on companies that exceed statutory requirements, but clarify how the supervisory authority applies the law.
By observing the guidelines, companies can ensure the legality of their operations while retaining the trust of consumers.