
Solve your problem regarding faulty or deficient goods or delayed delivery with our instructions.

The instructions cover such as the following situations:

  • The features of a domestic appliance or garment do not match the information given about them.
  • the product (including a television, computer, telephone, piece of furniture, washing machine, garment) breaks too soon considering its normal duration or service life.

Delay in the delivery of goods

If the provision of a product or service is delayed for a reason unrelated to the consumer, the delay constitutes a breach of contract on part of the provider.

Warranty and consumer protection

The law does not require the issuing of warranties, which is voluntary.

User instructions

The vendor must provide the operating, maintenance and care instructions required for using the product, easily available in both Finnish and Swedish.

Right to return and exchange

Non-defective goods bought from a store cannot be exchanged or returned unless the vendor has an exchange and return policy that provides for this.

When does a product have a defect? 

A product has a defect when it is not as agreed with the vendor, or it does not meet certain requirements laid down in the law.

Who is liable for a defect?

The vendor is responsible for the goods they sell. If a product has a defect, the buyer has the right to claim compensation from the vendor.

Identifying a defect and the costs of diagnostics

The vendor and warranty provider are liable for defects in goods as set out in the warranty terms. The vendor is liable under statutory liability for defects.

Consequences of a defect

If there is a defect in a product, you may ask the vendor to repair or replace it, whichever you choose. Read more.

Compensation for losses resulting from a defect

You can claim compensation for your additional costs resulting from a defect. You must have proof of your losses, for example a receipt.

Sale of second-hand goods

When you buy second-hand goods from a company you can for example, complain about a defect in the goods to the company.

Gift vouchers

When you buy a gift voucher, you should find out what restrictions to its use there are. You do not have to accept voucher as compsation for defect.

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