When does a product have a defect? 

A product has a defect when it is not as agreed with the vendor, or it does not meet certain requirements laid down in the law. A defect in a product means a fault, shortcoming or deviation for which the vendor is liable under the provisions on liability for defects in the Consumer Protection Act. The vendor’s liability is always assessed on a case-by-case basis.  

There is a defect in the product if, for example:

Exceptions to the vendor’s liability for defects

Faults or shortcomings may appear in products during their service life for which the vendor is not liable.

The vendor is not liable for any faults caused by

  • the normal wear and tear of the product or one of its parts.
  • improper handling of the product.
  • failure to comply with operating or care instructions.
  • an accident that occurred after the product was handed over.

The vendor is also not liable in the following situations: