Charity scams

Charity scams exploit people's willingness to help. Do not part with your money if you have any doubt about the integrity of the fund-raising campaign. An honest operator always has a money collection permit.

A charity or an attempted scam?

For instance, you may come across a charity scam in telemarketing.  You may be asked to donate to a charity even if the purpose of the call actually is to sell you something. The caller misleads you by pretending to talk about a donation, when in reality they are attempting to sell you something. The amount you pay in these situations will not go to a charity.

Another example of a scam is when the caller does not tell you clearly, or at all, that by making a one-off payment you end up with a standing order, for example a magazine subscription.


Does the fund-raiser have a money collection permit?

You may only collect money if you have applied to the National Police Board for a money collection permit or notified the local police department of organising a small-scale money collection. You can recognise a legal money collection by its permit number or small-scale money collection number.

Check if the person asking for a donation has a money collection permit. This way you can make sure that the money actually goes towards the purpose mentioned by the caller.

Ask the following questions to check if a money collection licence is legitimate:

  1. What is the name and licence number of the collection?
  2. When and where is the campaign licensed to collect money?
  3. Which authority granted the licence?
  4. What will the money be used for?