The or­gan­is­er’s oblig­a­tion to pro­vide in­for­ma­tion

Before and after booking a travel package, you have the right to receive certain essential information regarding the package travel contract and your rights as a traveller, a copy of the package travel contract or a confirmation of the contract. You must also be given essential travel documents such as tickets.

In­for­ma­tion to be pro­vided prior to the con­clu­sion of a pack­age travel con­tract

Prior to the conclusion of the package travel contract, the organiser and retailer must provide the traveller with the following pre-contractual information:

  1. details of the organiser and retailer (travel agent), and their contact information
  2. main characteristics of the travel services provided
  3. total price of the package, any additional costs and terms of payment
  4. the required minimum number of travellers and the consequences if the minimum number of travellers is not met by the deadline
  5. details of required travel documents, such as visas and passports
  6. the traveller’s right to terminate the contract before the start of the trip
  7. information on compulsory or voluntary travel insurance. However, the traveller is responsible for obtaining voluntary insurance.

Where combined travel services are sold in online reservation systems of different service providers which are linked to the organiser’s online service (online booking process), the other service providers must provide the above information for the services they offer.

  • The pre-contractual information must be provided in a clear, comprehensible and prominent manner.
  • If information is provided in writing, it must be in an easily legible format.

In addition to the pre-contractual information, before the conclusion of the contract, the traveller must be given detailed information as specified in the Ministry of Justice Decree and the adjacent standard information form. The form states that the traveller has been offered a package and explains their key rights. This standard information must be provided using the form, unless the package travel contract is concluded by telephone.

In­for­ma­tion to be pro­vided in the pack­age travel con­tract or con­fir­ma­tion

During or after the conclusion of the package travel contract, the organiser or travel agent (retailer) must give the traveller a copy of the contract or a confirmation of the contract. The information must be provided without undue delay and on a durable medium.

The package travel contract or the contract confirmation must include the information required under the Ministry of Justice Decree.

Other in­for­ma­tion and doc­u­ments to be pro­vided be­fore the trip

The organiser must provide the travellers with the necessary tickets, receipts and other documents as well as information about transport connections, including timetables and stops, well in advance of the start of the trip.

Travel ser­vice provider’s oblig­a­tion to pro­vide in­for­ma­tion to the pack­age or­gan­iser

Where travel services in a travel package are sold in online reservation systems of different service providers which are linked to the organiser’s online service (online booking), the other service providers must notify the organiser of the contracts they have concluded.

Service providers must give the organiser the information it needs in order to fulfil its obligations as an organiser.