The travel guarantee register includes all traders who have deposited a security with the Finnish Competition and Cosumer Authority in accordance with the package travel act.
How does the search work?
You can search for a travel organizer by the company’s official name or business ID.
You can see all companies by leaving the search field empty and clicking the “Search” button. You can see more results by clicking the “Show more” button.
Who is covered by the security requirement?
Only those who offer combined travel services and facilitate combined travel arrangements, who collect advance payments from travelers and/or whose combined travel services include transportation, are required to provide security.
The requirement applies only to trips lasting over 24 hours or including overnight accommodation.
Is the company missing from the register?
If you believe the company you are looking for is required to provide security and it is missing from the search results, you can send an email about this to We will not publish your information to external parties.