Travel organiser’s bankruptcy

If the travel organiser goes bankrupt before or during your trip, follow the instructions on this page.

  • Contact the guide. If there is no guide, contact the Finnish consulate. As an EU citizen, you are also entitled to assistance from a diplomatic or consular authority of another EU member state. You can also ask for advice from the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (FCCA) during office hours (8:00 a.m.–4:15 p.m.).

    In the case of bankruptcy, return transport arranged by the FCCA must be used as the first option. In some cases, continuing the trip may also be an option. Follow the instructions provided by the FCCA and contact the FCCA if necessary.

    In the event of bankruptcy, travellers should follow the FCCA website, social media and TV and radio news.

  • If you have not yet started the trip but have already paid for it or have a voucher entitling you to the package, follow the FCCA pages and advice in the media.

    If you have purchased your trip from an intermediary, they will refund you unless they have already made the payment to the organiser.

    In the event of the travel organiser’s bankruptcy, passengers may apply for compensation for services that have not been fulfilled. In insolvency situations other than bankruptcy, compensation can only be applied for if the FCCA has made a clear and undisputed finding that the organiser is insolvent.

    The compensation application process depends on the method of payment

    If you have paid for the trip by credit card, please contact your credit card company for instructions on how to claim compensation.

    If you have paid for the trip in cash or by bank transfer, apply for compensation from the FCCA. In the case of package holidays or tours, travellers can usually get their money back on prepaid travel packages from a security guarantee deposited by the organiser with the FCCA.