Re­search ac­tiv­i­ties

Research is essential to ensure that the FCCA’s decisions and opinions are carefully considered and justified. Impact assessments highlight the consequences that various policy measures may have for competition and the position of consumers. Assessments are particularly important when regulations affecting the functions of the market are laid down..

Where does re­search be­gin?

In the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority, research activities are typically initiated by problems observed in the market or in the position of consumers, when reliable, high-quality data is needed to resolve the problems. Research topics can also come from key stakeholders and from among the diverse group of experts working for the FCCA.

How do re­search pro­jects progress?

The duration of each research project varies: some may last for several years, while others are quick studies on the acute needs of the competition and consumer policy.

Research is often carried out as teamwork within the agency, but also in cooperation with other research institutes, universities and authorities. The FCCA also conducts research cooperation with foreign competition and consumer authorities, as well as with research communities in the field.

During each research project, the FCCA utilises the competence of the agency’s own experts as well as that of external specialists.

What kind of re­search ma­te­ri­als and meth­ods are used?

The experts of the FCCA’s Advocacy and Research department use a diverse selection of research methods and materials, such as the following:

  • Statistical and register data and their quantitative analyses
  • Surveys and their quantitative and qualitative analyses
  • Analyses of qualitative materials (e.g. text materials, interviews).

How are the re­search re­sults re­ported and dis­cussed?

The FCCA publishes research results and diverse discussion openings in the following four publication series:

  • Research reports:  Extensive research-based studies
  • Policy Brief series: Summarised reviews to support political decision-making
  • Reviews: Shorter studies and interim reports for longer research projects, literature reviews
  • Working papers: Initial versions of publications aimed for academic peer review